Buying a used hay baler is a great way to save some money on an important piece of equipment. Hay balers are almost a must-have for making hay on a large scale. If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of purchasing a used hay baler, check out this guide from the experts at SS Equipment. 

Saving Money

The first and most obvious upside of purchasing a used hay baler is that you’ll save money. Due to the process of depreciation, even hay balers that are only a few years old will cost a lot less to purchase than a new model. This is also good news if you plan to resell the hay baler in the near future. Since depreciation is most extreme within the first few years of ownership, you’ll get more of your money back if you sell a hay baler you bought used vs. if you sell a hay baler that you bought new. 

Being More Sustainable

If being environmentally conscious is important to you, then purchasing a used hay baler rather than a new one can be a good way to reduce your carbon footprint. Hay balers are very big pieces of equipment, requiring a lot of time, energy, and materials in order to build even just one model. By purchasing used, you can keep an older hay baler out of the scrap heap and help minimize waste. 

Shop used hay balers at SS Equipment. We operate six locations throughout Washington and Oregon. We also offer parts ordering, servicing, and financing.